Description of the postdoctoral position
The candidate is expected to do research on Education Policy at the Center for Advanced Research in Education (CIAE) of the Institute of Education at the Universidad de Chile. The candidate should carry out research related to issues such as school effectiveness and school improvement, impact evaluation of public policies and education programs, comparative analysis of educational policies, with focus on primary and secondary education. The candidate is expected to actively collaborate with researchers in this area and other related areas of CIAE. Our Research Center is located in the city of Santiago, the capital of Chile.
- A PhD degree in Education, Sociology, Economics or a related discipline, obtained between January, 2018 and November 16, 2020.
- Relevant scientific publications.
- Strong teamwork and communication skills.
- Experience with interdisciplinary cooperation is highly desirable.
- Fluency in Spanish is desirable but it is not mandatory.
- Strong academic formation and advanced skills on qualitative and/or quantitative methodologies in education research.
Research proposal:
The candidate must present a brief research proposal (not longer than 3,000 words) to be conducted within the existing lines of research of the Area. The proposal must describe the aim of the research, methodology, research plan and its contribution to the education field.
Documents needed for the application
- Curriculum vitae, including publication list
- A letter stating reasons for applying (up to 2 pages)
- Two recent reference letters, focusing on the candidate’s academic work and research skills as well as experience in working collaboratively
Information about the position
- The candidate will be expected to be fully dedicated to research in an active research-oriented environment, with no teaching duties
- Expected Duration
o One year. The candidate will be expected to apply for external funding to continue their work at CIAE. The Chilean National Agency of Research and Development (ANID) has a postdoctoral public contest.
- Financial information
o Monthly salary: 1,800,000 Chilean pesos (before taxes; approx. 2,400 US dollars)[1]
o Flight ticket (round trip) to Santiago, Chile will be covered
[1] As a reference, renting a furnished apartment nearby CIAE costs about 800 US dollars per month.