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Montecinos, Carmen.; Cortez, Mónica.; Valenzuela, Juan Pablo.; Zett, Isabel.; Zoro, Barbara. (2022). Teachers’ agentic actions in tight and loosely coupled effective secondary schools in Chile. Teaching and Teacher Education, (115), 103731
Montecinos, Carmen.; Cortez, Mónica.; Zoro, Bárbara.; Zett, Isabel. (2022). Senior leaders’ theories of action for managing subject departments as a school improvement strategy. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 174114322210892
Montecinos, Carmen.; Galdames, Sergio.; Flessa, Joseph.; Pablo Valenzuela, Juan. (2022). Pathways to the school principalship: An international scoping review. EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION LEADERSHIP, (50), 285-306
Gonzalez, Alvaro.; Ehren, Melanie.; Montecinos, Carmen. (2020). Leading mandated network formation in Chile's new public education system. SCHOOL LEADERSHIP MANAGEMENT