Saadati, Farzaneh.; Larrain, Macarena.; Bastian, Anton.; Felmer, Patricio.; Kaiser, Gabriele. (2024). Adapting german instruments and validating their use to measure chilean mathematics teachers' professional competence. JOURNAL OF CURRICULUM STUDIES, 1-19
Felmer, P. (2023). Collaborative problem-solving in mathematics. CURRENT OPINION IN BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, (52)
Cabello, Patricio.; Saadati, Farzaneh.; Barahona, Pía.; Celis, Javier.; Felmer, Patricio. (2023). Experiencias y motivación para el aprendizaje en la implementación de formación a distancia durante la emergencia sanitaria de covid-19 en la educación superior técnico profesional. Calidad en la Educación
Marchant, Paola.; Cornejo, Carlos.; Felmer, Patricio. (2022). Student Insights in Mathematics Problem Solving: Cognition, Affect, and Gesture. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
Valoyes-Chavez, Luz.; Felmer, Patricio. (2021). "She was probing me to see if I knew": Becoming a credible and confident PD facilitator. ZDM-MATHEMATICS EDUCATION, (53), 1097-1108