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Schlotterbeck, D.; Araya, R.; Caballero, D.; Jimenez A.; Lehesvuori S.; Viiri, J. (2020). Assessing Teacher’s Discourse Effect on Students’ Learning: A Keyword Centrality Approach in Addressing Global Challenges and Quality Education. EC-TEL 2020.. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (12315)
Espinoza, C.; Pikkarainen, T.; Viiri, J.; Araya, R.; Caballero, D.; Jiménez, A.; Gormaz, R. (2020). Analyzing Teacher Talk Using Topics Inferred From Unsupervised Modeling From Textbooks.. Finnish Mathematics and Science Education Research Association FMSERA Journal, (3), 4-17
Caballero, D.; Pikkarainen, T.; Araya, R.; Viiri, J.; Espinoza, C. (2020). Conceptual Network of Teachers’ Talk: Automatic Analysis and Quantitative Measures. Finnish Mathematics and Science Education Research Association FMSERA Journal, (3), 18-31