Publicaciones Académicas del Área Aprendizaje y cognición
Volver al áreaRojas, Carlos.; San Martin, Marilyn.; Urzua, Paula.; Guerra, Ernesto. (2024). Word or pseudoword? The lexicality effect in naming and lexical decision tasks during advanced aging. PLOS ONE, (19)
Aldunate, N.; López-Silva, P.; Brotfeld, C.; Guerra, E.; Kronmüller, E. (2024). Spanish version of Multidimensional Mentalizing Questionnaire (MMQ): Translation, adaptation and psychometric properties in a Chilean population.. PLOS ONE
Saadati, Farzaneh.; Larrain, Macarena.; Bastian, Anton.; Felmer, Patricio.; Kaiser, Gabriele. (2024). Adapting german instruments and validating their use to measure chilean mathematics teachers' professional competence. JOURNAL OF CURRICULUM STUDIES, 1-19
Castro-Alonso, Juan C.; Hidalgo, Alejandro A.; Sweller, John. (2024). Biological evolution and human cognition are analogous information processing systems. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, (14)
Castro-Alonso, Juan C.; Ayres, Paul.; Zhang, Shirong.; de Koning, Bjorn B.; Paas, Fred. (2024). Research Avenues Supporting Embodied Cognition in Learning and Instruction. EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY REVIEW, (36)